Sales Acceleration: What Is It? The Complete Manual

The key ingredient that takes companies to new heights is sales acceleration, but what exactly is it and how can you use it to maximize the performance of your sales team? We’ll break down the idea of sales acceleration, its significance, the recipe for success, when to assemble a team for sales acceleration, success tactics, kinds of acceleration, and how to pick the best tools in this comprehensive guide. The best sales acceleration tools, the advantages of this technology, and the significant contribution of LeadRouter—an AI-driven inbound meeting and conversion platform—to the field of sales acceleration will also be covered.

What is Sales Acceleration?

The process of utilizing technology, data, and tactics to boost the velocity and efficacy of the sales process is known as sales acceleration. In order to generate leads, nurture them, and convert them into customers more quickly, it entails utilizing a range of tools and approaches.

All sizes of businesses need to accelerate sales, but startups and rapidly expanding enterprises need to do so much more. Businesses can increase income and expand more quickly by speeding up their sales process.

The significance of accelerating sales

The following are some reasons why sales acceleration is crucial for businesses:

  • Boost income – Businesses may generate more leads and clinch more deals by speeding up the sales process.
  • Lower expenses – By automating processes and optimizing the sales process, sales acceleration can assist companies in cutting their cost of sales.
  • Boost effectiveness – By making it simpler for salespeople to do their duties, sales acceleration can assist companies in increasing the effectiveness of the sales process.
  • Expand the sales force – Businesses can more easily and swiftly scale their sales team with the aid of sales acceleration.

Formula for Accelerating Sales

The framework for creating a scalable sales process is called the Sales Acceleration Formula. It is supported by four main pillars:


  • Data – Every step of the sales process is informed by data thanks to the Sales Acceleration Formula. Data about leads, clients, and the sales funnel are included in this.
  • Innovation – The Sales Acceleration Formula streamlines the sales process and automates operations using technology. CRM programmes, marketing automation solutions, and sales engagement platforms fall under this category.
  • Procedure – A precise and scalable sales process is defined by the Sales Acceleration Formula. Lead generation, lead qualification, lead nurturing, and deal closing are some of the steps that fall under this category.
  • Persons – Salespeople that are adept at utilizing process, technology, and data to quicken the sales process are hired and trained via the Sales Acceleration Formula.

When Is A Sales Acceleration Team Necessary?

A sales acceleration team might be necessary if your company is:

  • Expanding quickly – A sales acceleration team could be necessary if your company is expanding quickly in order to scale your sales force and produce more leads.
  • Facing heightened rivalry – You could require a sales acceleration team to assist you close more deals and gain market share if you are up against increasing competitors.
  • Selling intricate goods or services – You might require a sales acceleration team to help you nurture leads and close deals more quickly if you are selling complicated goods or services.

How Can a Sales Acceleration Strategy Be Built?


In order to develop a strategy for sales acceleration, you must:


  • State your objectives – With your sales acceleration strategy, what goals are you hoping to accomplish? Do you want to grow your sales staff, cut expenses, boost productivity, or enhance efficiency?
  • Determine who your target market is – To whom are you marketing? What are their problems and needs?
  • Create a sales procedure – What stages does your sales process consist of? How are you going to create leads, follow up with them, and close sales?
  • Select the appropriate technology – Which technological tools would you employ to track your outcomes, automate processes, and optimize your sales process?
  • Select and develop the best candidates – Employ and develop sales people that understand how to leverage procedure, technology, and data to expedite the sales process.

Many Forms of Sales Acceleration

Two primary categories of sales acceleration exist:

  • Acceleration of inbound sales – The goal of inbound sales acceleration is to draw in prospects and turn them into paying clients. To create leads, a range of marketing strategies are employed, including content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media marketing. After that, it nurtures leads and turns them into customers using sales automation technologies.
  • Acceleration of outbound sales – The goal of outbound sales acceleration is to make direct contact with potential clients. It entails employing a range of sales strategies to produce leads and close sales, including cold calling, email marketing, and direct mail.

How Do I Pick the Finest Tool for Sales Acceleration?

The following elements should be taken into account when selecting a sales acceleration tool:

  • Your spending plan – Tools for accelerating sales can cost hundreds of dollars a month or nothing at all. Select a tool based on its cost.
  • Your requirements – Which characteristics are essential to you? Do you require a solution that can close deals, nurture leads, or generate leads automatically?
  • Your usability – Select a tool that’s simple to operate and navigate.

Sales Acceleration Technology: Five Advantages

  • Quicker Sales – The sales cycle is shortened via acceleration.
  • Greater Efficiency – In less time, sales teams can accomplish more.
  • Enhanced Lead Handling – improved follow-up and targeting of leads.
  • Growth in Revenue – Revenue increases with faster conversion rates.
  • Improved Client Experience – Customer satisfaction increases with personalization.


The Importance of LeadRouter in Increasing Sales

LeadRouter is essential to the process of accelerating sales:

  • Effective Lead Handling – LeadRouter makes sure leads are effectively managed, meetings are arranged, and leads are developed for increased conversion rates.
  • Data-Based Understandings – It offers insightful information about lead behavior, facilitating engagement that is more focused.
  • Multi-Media Interaction – LeadRouter makes certain that leads are aided via the channel of choice by supporting several lines of communication.


Your sales force requires sales acceleration to flourish in the current competitive environment. It accelerates revenue growth, improves productivity, and shortens the sales cycle. Crucial elements in this process include comprehending the sales acceleration formula, formulating an appropriate plan, and selecting the optimum resources. LeadRouter is essential in an ever-changing market because of its effective lead management, data-driven insights, and multi-channel interaction. You should anticipate higher revenue, quicker conversion rates, and a more effective and productive sales force when you adopt sales acceleration.

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